Monday, March 31, 2008

The Goldfish Bowl Effect

Whenever I've been back to visit the Mother Country, my size is usually a topic of conversation. Admittedly I'm tall for an asian (at approx. 5'9) and when I ride the subway in HK, I can see over people's heads.

The theory my relatives have is that of the "Goldfish Bowl Effect'. That is, when a fish lives in a tank, it will only ever grow to a certain size to be able to swim around and not out-grow its environment. When it is put in a pond, the spacious conditions allow it to grow larger, but still relatively confined to its genes. There are also contributing conditions such as the quality of food, water and air.

In comparison to a cousin (so we share half the same genes) who is exactly 1 year older , who grew up in a 2 bedroom apartment which was maybe slightly larger than my parent's kitchen, to me, with a large house and a less city population density, I stand at least a head taller and substantially more "athletic" (as my relatives likes to put it nicely).

Perhaps its all the chicken I eat.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Introduction

Michelle is not ashamed of her Chinese heritage and enjoys observing (often jesting or mocking) the stereotypes and cultural differences and compares them with her environment, what she's been taught and how she would be perceived by others. Having been born and raised in Australia and considering herself relatively well-travelled, she has become aware that these qualities are relatively consistent around the world. She currently lives in Dubai, where the population of Chinese is scant and surpassed by a plethora of South-East Asians such as Filipinos and Thais. She writes this blog with jovial light-heartedness to keep the realness with her roots and hopes to not offend anyone.

Richard is a proud sixth generation Australian of First Fleet convict stock, which is to say he is as Australian as a white guy can be and not in any way, shape, or form Asian. He has, however, for several years lived in Japan, and travelled widely throughout the Asias. During these years he has borne witness to a multitude of peculiar, lovable, and at times baffling displays of "Asianess". He contributes to this blog from the perspective of an outsider, on the inside, looking out, and hopes you enjoy his musings.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Jump-Off

ba·nan·a /bəˈnænə/[buh-nan-uh]
1. a tropical plant of the genus Musa, certain species of which are cultivated for their nutritious fruit.
2. Someone of Asian decent who is said to be yellow on the outside and white on the inside.

egg /ɛg/
1. the roundish reproductive body produced by the female of certain animals, as birds and most reptiles, consisting of an ovum and its envelope of albumen, jelly, membranes, egg case, or shell, according to species.
2. A westerner who is said to be white on the outside and yellow on the inside.